How To Go Live On Facebook – Facebook Live Streaming | Facebook Live Streaming Now

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How To Go Live On Facebook – It isn’t a new thing any longer and it seems cool too when people refer to Facebook as the most popular social networking platform amongst all other social networks currently in the world. You can really use FB for very many things and the functions you can execute with Facebook are so exciting. Some of these functions you can carry out using the platform are shown below:

  • Advertising and business promotion
  • Playing fun and lively games
  • To make sales and buy things too via the marketplace platform therein
  • Connectivity with friends and well-wishers.
  • Learning and reading helpful content.

The truth is there are so many benefits and values that come along with one having a Facebook account and being actively involved in using the account with all other Facebook users in the world. Right here in this content, the major concern is to educate you on how you can go about one of the most fun parts of the activities you can carry out using your Facebook account. What could this be then? It is Facebook Live Streaming. With full concentration, you will get to understand how to go live on Facebook after now.

FB Live Streaming

Have you ever gone live on Instagram? If yes, then you aren’t learning something different and totally new here. You can as well go live on Facebook the same way you go live on Instagram as a social media also. Streaming videos on the Facebook platform, your FB followers and also friends are allowed to see your video streaming, but you may decide to block followers and your friends too anytime you want to go live so as not to enable them to see your video which you are streaming.

Well if you haven’t gone live before then this content got you covered because you will now get to understand how to go about it here. It isn’t with any form of complexity and you do not necessarily need the help of anyone to enable you to do this. It’s a very simple function, so relax and see how to go about it below.
There is one amazing thing about live videos on FB, each live video you make can be saved on your FB timeline when you’re done with the live streaming. Aside from saving this video like a normal video on your account timeline. You also have the opportunity to delete such video whenever you so wish to do so. On streaming a video, you get to see the comments and names of everyone that views your live video while it is on.

How To Go Live On Facebook

Getting yourself a FB account with which you can connect with friends and well-wishers. It is very easy to go live using the same Facebook account. See the step by step guide below on how to do that:

  • At the very top part of your FB account News Feed page when your account has been logged in, tap on the live stream video icon made available for all FB users by Facebook. After this, you then have to write a brief note or a short video description. This is to tell or relate with your viewers on what your live video is about.
  • Next, select a privacy setting. How do you do this then? This is done by simply tapping the ellipsis right in the button right corner. More also opening up the restriction of audience.
  • This is followed by adding a Facebook live filter, lens or doddle.
  • Finally, click on the ‘’Start Live Video’’ button.

Conclusively, doing a live video on Facebook of which lasts for a maximum of 30minutes. When you get done with your live video, after following the whole process to start up. Tap finish then at any point you feel you are through.

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