Let’s say you have a yahoo mail account and up till this moment you have been finding it very difficult to log in to your account or probably some persons aided you out there to create a yahoo mail account for you and to log in now is just like a torn on your flesh. The task is now appearing as more difficult as you can ever imagine. Now getting to this platform and reading this very content seems to be the remedy to your lingering issue as it is almost certain you’re going to get the right and easily made steps to log in to your yahoo mail account here. In fact, you’re just on the right track.
Before I proceed with the other necessary points I want to point out here it is very important you know that yahoo mail has an upgraded and advanced user interface for all its users out there and also a two-step verification measure.
This service also has a very wonderful app for android phones that you can preferably get on play store with which users can utilize all its services including composing mails, checking inbox, draft and so on easily. More also the app can be downloaded too with the use of a browser like Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera Mini, etc.
Step To Login Yahoo Mail Account – Yahoo Mail App – Add Account
See one very good thing about the yahoo mail app. All your accounts can be easily logged in a singular app and they will all function so well at the same time. To this effect, you can receive notifications from each account, read and reply mails, checkout your draft folder and all other things with little or no stress at the same time interval. To login in your yahoo account using a web browser see step below:
- Visit the yahoo website
- Tap on the mail icon carefully
- Enter your email account on the specified box for it
- Furthermore, tap on next
- Input your password too
- Finally, tap on sign in
Yahoo Mail Theme – How To Change Yahoo Mail Theme
Yahoo mail has series of colors and designs which you can choose to make a very fine theme. These designs are very attractive and you’re sure to see the exact color that will suit your mood. Now to change yahoo mail theme, see steps below:
- The first thing you have to do is to download the app to your device
- Secondly, add an account to the app
- Now you go further and click on the menu icon
- Find the settings icon and tap on it
- Find the theme icon on this page and click on it
- From the series of themes that displays, you now have to choose your preferred design in order to apply theme.
- Finally, Click on the confirm button to confirm the theme.
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