How to Fix TikTok Messages Not Sending or Working

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TikTok is without a doubt perhaps the most well known online media applications, the ascent of which we have seen as of late. ByteDance claimed TikTok was at first centered to be video sharing application however later discovered its direction into standard online media and arose as one use of vast prevalence. TikTok’s converging with end up being a defining moment of the application and it appreciated advantageous fame until 2020 when Donald Trump prohibited the application.

How to Fix TikTok Messages Not Sending or Working

The prohibition on TikTok was lifted later on by Joe Biden in June 2021 and presently the application observes a boycott just on India and Pakistan, according to the most recent reports. Nonetheless, that doesn’t stop the developing fanbase of TikTok where the clients basically love their time spent on the application.

TikTok, which in any case shows a madly smooth exhibition alongside a large number of valuable components and additional items that assist clients with embracing the application consistently, likewise faces its a lot of issues and glitches, so to say. In any case, the greater part of such issues are fixed quickly by the viable specialized group of specialists that the application locks in.

Quite possibly the most unmistakable issues that the clients whine of while utilizing the application is the powerlessness of sending Tiktok messages through the application.

Is it accurate to say that you are additionally finding that you can’t send TikTok Direct Messages (DMs) to your companions and adherents or it isn’t working overall? Then, at that point don’t stress in light of the fact that here we will present to you the arrangement.

TikTok isn’t an application that is centered around offering its clients offices to send messages, it’s even more a stage that offers its clients a significant stage to impart their innovativeness to the world. Be that as it may, in an application like TikTok, it’s consistently incredible to have the office of sending speedy messages to the next individual TikTokers and to keep them locked in.

Inventiveness is the thing that TikTok maintains and in it, TikTok gives the most extreme measure of advantage to its clients. In this way, the capacity to send speedy messages to contact the TikTokers is certainly an extra or a reward.

Alongside having some past discussions through the TikTok DM, you can likewise continue to demand TikTok two part harmonies. Obviously talking, there are plentiful motivations to return to TikTok DMs. Nonetheless, in various conditions, it has been noticed that the TikTok clients face a few issues with its DM include.

TikTok Messages Not Working

One of the most common issues that TikTok users face is when the TikTok Dm does not work and they are unable to send or receive a message on it. This is an error that occurs while the users are trying to comment or send anything through TikTok DM.

Now, if you are also among the affected group of users and you are facing the same error on TikTok, then don’t be afraid because you can fix this issue without hassles.

Here in this guide, we will help you get an overview of the main causes of the error along with some easy fixes to wipe out the error as soon as possible from your system. You need not worry if you are using an iPhone, iPad, or android device because this article will cater to you anyways.

How to Fix TikTok Messages Not Sending or Working

If your TikTok messages are not going through or the feature is not working in general and you are wondering about the causes and how to fix the same, then don’t worry because here we have researched the underlying causes and will present you a list of the major causes that generate these issues.

TikTok Messages Not Working
  • You are under the required age

TikTok had initially decided to offer all their users the feature to use TikTok DM regardless of their age. However, private messaging has been banned as part of their security protocols in the wake of 2020 for children under the age of 16 years. Though a majority of TikTok users are detected as teens, Tiktok seemed to have taken this step to safeguard their security.

Therefore, if you are under 16 and a Tiktok user, then it’s better to go for a different platform or feature to reach out to your fellow Tiktokers. If you are willing to contact them via their email or other means of contact, then you can simply browse their bio section to find out all the other ways to contact them. Else, you need to just wait till you turn 16 in order to use the messaging feature of the app

  • You haven’t verified your phone number

Tiktok has always put a step ahead to eradicate any possibilities of fraud and spam. It has even made phone number verification compulsory on its app for the users to hold their accounts on it. You might have signed into TikTok using your email rather than your phone number. In these circumstances, you should be signing into the app and verify your phone number on it so that you can use the messaging feature of Tik Tok without any hassles.

You might have already tried verifying your phone number on Tiktok but have miserably failed in doing so because of a certain error message that says “This number is already registered.” If you are getting one such error message whenever you are trying to verify your phone number on the app, then the first thing you can do is to check whether you have already used your phone number on any other Tiktok account for which you’re trying.

  • You’re trying to message someone whom you’re not following

TikTok has also implemented another regulation associated with the messaging feature of the app. Here Tiktok states that both the parties, the sender as well as the recipient should have to be following each other in order to exchange personal messages on the Tiktok app.

Additionally, you need also to set the privacy settings for messaging for you and the recipient to the option that says “Everyone”, “Followers” or “Friends”. If you don’t know how to do it, then worry not because we will show you the easiest of methods to tweak the Privacy Settings effortlessly.

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