How To Create Yahoo Mail Account – This content is aimed at educating you on how you can go about creating a yahoo mail account. Aside from that, it is also very important you understand what yahoo mail means. On that note, what is Yahoo Mail?
Yahoo mail is an email service launched through the American parent company Yahoo! in the year 1997. This email service platform provides four different email plans. The email platforms, three are for personal use ( Basic, Plus and finally Ad free) and the other then is for businesses. Yahoo mail in Dec. 2011 had over 281 million users and this made the platform regarded as the third largest web-based email service platform in the world.
To use this email platform you have to go through a registration procedure to create an account for yourself. As a matter of fact, getting yourself an account on yahoo mail may turn out to be one of your simplest and easiest sign up process as no one finds any form of difficulty or complexity doing that. All you need is just but a few information’s and that will enable you to get an account and enjoy the features which this amazing email service platform really has to offer.
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How To Create Yahoo Mail Account
To start enjoying all that this email platform has to offer you have to create an account for yourself as said earlier. Now see a step by step guide which you can follow to enable you to create a yahoo mail account:
- Using a web browser, just search for Yahoo login page with
- Click on ”create an account”
- Fill in your full name, phone number, birthday, your password and email name also. Note that it is really very important that you make the password very easy for yourself and difficult for other people to guess. This is to enable you to become the only person to have access to your yahoo mail account.
- At this point, you will receive a verification code sent to your phone number. Enter the verification code and furthermore, complete registration.
- After the successful yahoo mail account registration, you can now use yahoo mail.
This is just the simple step you can follow to create a yahoo mail account for yourself easily. Yahoo mail has really worked on making its interface friendly for all users. This is to enable new users or even potential users to make use of the App without stress. The yahoo mail app can be downloaded and installed from the official store of devices. For instance, Google play store for android devices and so on.
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